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g Dreams Site

BellaOnline's Dreams Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Dreams Site! These are the top ten articles that your Dreams Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Keeping a Dream Journal
Keeping a dream journal can help improve your dream recall and give you an invaluable resource for working with your dreams.

2. Forgetting Dreams
It is easy to lose wisps of memory which may help build an understanding of our dream life. Patience is key. The more we commit to remembering dreams the more they come to us easily, without the burden of striving for remembrance.

3. Dream Recall
Remembering dreams as we wake may seem easy, but we often quickly forget the wisps of memory we capture on waking. Why are you interested in dreams? This article offers some easy techniques for remembering and recording dreams.

4. Wind and Air Dreams
To dream of wind is to dream of change, and a way of thinking, as air is very strongly connected to the intellect. It can be gentle, like a breeze or zephyr, or it can be life changing and tumultuous as a tornado. What does dreaming of wind mean to you?

5. Childbirth Dream Symbol
Childbirth as a dream symbol differs from pregnancy as a dream symbol. Pregnancy means possibilities or something brewing while giving birth in a dream means something is on its way.

6. House Attacking Me Dream Interpretation
A man has recurring nightmares about being trapped in a house that is attacking him. Let's take a closer look to learn what this dream is trying to tell him.

7. Working with Your Dreams
Many cultures around the world have always believed that dreams should be honored and listened too. But how do you work with elusive wisps of memory if you can't even remember them?

8. How to Remember Dreams
Ready to do your own dreamwork, but don't seem to be remembering your dreams? Here are a few tried and true methods to help with dream recall.

9. What Is Dreaming?
Every night it seems we are the guest at a special screening of our life in pictures. Sometimes these images are pleasurable or they frighten us, sometimes they make sense and sometimes they leave us scratching our head in wonder.

10. Life is but a Dream
What if someone told you that at this moment you were having a dream? That the words you were reading on this page were just an illusion, and that the real life was something that your soul was experiencing at this moment… like it was playing a video game and you were the star character.

Be sure to visit the Dreams Archives for all the articles!


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Dreaming of Your Ex Interpretation

Childbirth Dream Symbol

Missing the Train Dream Interpretation

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