My Sunroom Companions
Alex Russo
They soak up sun,
rotate out of shadows to get more.
Some are fern-like, others have leaves like spears.
Some drip spider dew, sticks to the floor like glue.
I forgive them for the mess, since like infants,
they know not what they do.
They all have new green shoots in spring,
grow weary in fall, lose leaves winter,
but don´t complain, at least not to me,
because I don´t understand plant-talk.
Yet I don´t hesitate to greet them every morning
when I go out, and evenings when I return.
I sometimes think of getting rid of some,
but find it hard to get rid of companions
I have lived with so long, to terminate their journey
before mine. Instead, I clip off a few branches,
place them in the mulch pile near tall plants.